Thursday, February 8, 2007

February 2007 - Meeting Minutes

February Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.

The November minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Representatives Report

New officers were sworn in
Some counties are talking about not maintaining records of old maps, just scanning electronically and throwing originals away. There was some talk about CLSA taking care of original maps.
Representatives report approved

Website Committee

Kevin Nehring has spent a lot of time on the website, everyone is encouraged to check in often for new information.

Scholarship Committee

Marisol Serrano and Kelly Bibb were the recipients of this year’s chapter scholarship.

Student Committee

Alex Calder and Javier Marquez volunteered to help out with the student committee.


Only 11 paid members so far
Kevin received a check from state CLSA for $179.34, not sure what it is for?
Jas Arnold is involved in a surveying promotion plan for high schools. There is a pamphlet being sent out to all high schools in the state, and CLSA is encouraging members to contact the local high schools and volunteer to speak about surveying.
Average age of a licensed surveyor in the state of California is 58
CLSA conference coming up in April, this year it will be held in San Diego
Corner Records-County is now asking for 2 sheets instead of 1, in conflict with Business and Professions code. A letter needs to be sent to CLSA.


The speaker for the February meeting was Dr. Crossfield from the Fresno State Geomatics program. He discussed how this year’s Geomatics Conference went.

Conference began by Ed Kuhlan in 1958
Less exhibitor spaces this year
$88,000 in scholarships divided up between 42 students
Auction raised $6,000
$821,000 in scholarships since 1985
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

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