Thursday, March 8, 2007

March 2007 - Meeting Minutes

March Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2007
Andiamo Restaurant
Clovis, CA

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m.

The February minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved, there is approximately $4,000 in the checking account.

Representatives Report

Need volunteer for alternate Chapter Rep-Anne volunteered
Dr. Nader volunteered to be the alternate to the alternate.

Membership Committee

Only 16 paid members so far, everyone needs to get their dues in. It was decided that a mailer would be put together to remind people to get their dues paid. The mailer will be a postcard directing people to go to the website and download the membership application. Gary volunteered to pay the postage.

Student Committee

Next year’s Geomatics Conference will be held January 24-26 at Veterans Memorial Building in downtown Clovis.
Khae Saetern will be the Chair of the Conference.
Any ideas for speakers?
Kevin to post conference info on website.


It was just discovered that Inyo County is within our chapter area.
State CLSA conference coming up in April near San Diego.
Brian has lots of spots open for anyone that would like to join the national guard. Here is an opportunity to gain surveying experience and get school paid for.

Round Table Discussion

The topic for the discussion was “Do you think California should have a continuing education requirement for surveyors? Why or why not?”

Many surveyors are not interested in attending meetings or going to training.
How does it work? You must attend conferences & seminars. For every hour spent, you get 1 PDH (Professional Development Hours). Most states require 13 PDH hours a year, and some states will require that courses be pre-approved.
Must keep good records, not may states keep track for you. You must keep backup in case you are audited.
There is no testing involved.
In the past, CLSA has tried to set something like this up, but in the end decided to make it voluntary. There is always a lot of opposition from Non-CLSA members.
There are only about 8 states left that do not require continuing education.
Classes are tax deductible.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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